Aana Wilson Hypnotherapy
Specializing in pain management, resolving fears, phobias, and anxious feelings
ABOUT Hypnotherapy
If you've been looking for an alternative method to improve your life and resolve issues, hypnotherapy may be the answer. Aana Wilson Hypnotherapy in Albuquerque, NM utilizes the natural state of hypnosis to assist you in accessing your subconscious mind in order to resolve a wide range of issues including stress, anxiety, fear and pain.
Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that facilitates access to a person's internal resources to assist him/her in solving problems, increasing motivation, or altering behavior patterns to create positive change.
9 3 % S U C C E S S R a t e
Did you know that hypnotherapy was found to work faster to create lasting change than both psychotherapy and behavior therapy? A 1970 study showed the success rate of participants utilizing hypnotherapy to be 93% after an average of 6 sessions. Compare that to 38% after an average of 600 sessions for psychoanalysis and 72% after 22 sessions for behavior therapy.
Call Me Today to Discuss What You
Would Like to Resolve with Hypnotherapy.