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Aana Wilson Hypnotherapy

Certified Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist


Creator of the Calm, Connected,
and Confident
Parenting Program

My goal is to help my clients live happier, healthier, more successful, love-filled lives. 

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IBH Cert# F10723-794

A B O U T   A a n a  W i l s o n,  C M S - C H t,  F I B H

Aana Wilson practices Integral HypnotherapyTM - the adaptive, client-centered and collaborative approach to transformation and healing with the power of the mind.  Aana Wilson completed 500 hours, of training in this methodology at the prestigious Hypnotherapy Academy of America, North America's premier state licensed hypnotherapy training institute.  Results from a 4-year, 3 million-dollar National Institutes of Health funded study using the Integral HypnotherapyTM approach yielded "superior" results as compared to other forms of therapy*. Integral HypnotherapyTM is the only varying multi-session hypnotherapy methodology in the current era to have National Institutes of Health funded research scientifically validated by independent peer review.


*Based on a 4-year, 3-million-dollar NIH funded study treating OAB/UUI.  Click here for details.


Because Integral Hypnotherapy is adaptive and emphasizes collaboration between client and hypnotherapist, its uses as an effective adjunctive modality are vast.


M y  S t o r y 

I've always had an empathetic nature and have always been drawn to psychology, both matters of the mind, and matters of the heart.  This is what led me to decide at an early age that I wanted to study psychology, so that I could help people to live their best lives.  I studied psychology with a minor in computer science and received my degree in Psychology in 1999 from the University of New Mexico.  After I graduated, I ended up utilizing my computer science minor and started a career in software development, which allowed me to be creative, designing and developing software.  After 24 years as a software developer, I felt like something was missing, that I had not followed my true calling, and that I was disconnected from my true self.  Often times working in a corporate environment was high stress with deadline after deadline.  The stress of this environment and not being connected to my true calling had a negative effect on my mental and physical health.


My first experience with hypnosis came when I read a book that introduced me to the concept of hypnosis as well as the power of the mind.  I learned self-hypnosis and used it to improve several areas of my life including passing some  certification exams that I had been putting off for years. 


Ironically after achieving my newly high sought after certifications,  I was soon laid off by my company to whom I had dedicated 14 years.  In retrospect, it was the best thing that ever happened to me.  I did not want to return to a software development career after that.  I wanted to be connected to my authentic self and to help others heal, meet their goals, and live happy, healthy, abundant lives.  I took a certification course to become a life coach and started my coaching career.  Shortly after this career change, hypnotherapy was brought up to me by two different friends as a possible addition to my career.  It seemed like a message I should listen to.  So, I decided to see a hypnotherapist and experience hypnotherapy as a client.  I chose to see a graduate of the Hypnotherapy Academy of America.  It was a wonderful, healing experience. I then made the decision to attend the Hypnotherapy Academy of America where I completed 500 hours of live hypnotherapy training.  I am now a board-certified clinical and medical support hypnotherapist and a Fellow of the International Board of Hypnotherapy.  


Hypnotherapy has been the path for me to access the power of my own mind, as well as a connection with my body, my true nature, and universal consciousness. 


During my studies at the Hypnotherapy Academy of America, I was able to use hypnosis to rid myself of pain in my lower back and to continue to improve in many areas of my life.  My goal is to empower others to live happier, healthier, more successful lives by showing them how to access the power of their own minds through hypnosis.


Whatever you are facing, you can find a way through it.  I would love to work with you on your journey to health and happiness.  I provide free telephone consultations if you would like to find out if hypnotherapy is right for you.


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